How To ****** Use of the library starts with creating a ``TableReader`` object. .. code:: python import tftables reader = tftables.open_file(filename="/path/to/h5/file", batch_size=10) Here the batch size is specified as an argument to the ``open_file`` function. The batch_size defines the length (in the outer dimension) of the elements (batches) returned by ``reader``. Accessing a single array ======================== Suppose you only want to read a single array from your HDF5 file. Doing this is quite straight-forward. Start by getting a tensorflow placeholder for your batch from ``reader``. .. code:: python array_batch_placeholder = reader.get_batch( path = '/h5/path', # This is the path to your array inside the HDF5 file. cyclic = True, # In cyclic access, when the reader gets to the end of the # array, it will wrap back to the beginning and continue. ordered = False # The reader will not require the rows of the array to be # returned in the same order as on disk. ) # You can transform the batch however you like now. # For example, casting it to floats. array_batch_float = tf.to_float(array_batch_placeholder) # The data can now be fed into your network result = my_network(array_batch_float) with tf.Session() as sess: # The feed method provides a generator that returns # feed_dict's containing batches from your HDF5 file. for i, feed_dict in enumerate(reader.feed()):, feed_dict=feed_dict) if i >= N: break # Finally, the reader should be closed. reader.close() Note that be default, the ``ordered`` argument to ``get_batch`` is set to ``True``. If you require the rows of the array to be returned in the same order as they are on disk, then you should leave it as ``ordered = True``. However, this may result in a performance penalty. In machine learning, rows of a dataset often represent independent examples, or data points. Thus their ordering is not important. Accessing a single table ======================== When reading from a table, the ``get_batch`` method returns a dictionary. The columns of the table form the keys of this dictionary, and the values are tensorflow placeholders for batches of each column. If one of the columns has a compound datatype, then its corresponding value in the dictionary will itself be a dictionary. In this way, recursive compound datatypes will give recursive dictionaries. For example, if your table just had two columns, named ``label`` and ``data``, then you could use: .. code:: python table_batch = reader.get_batch( path = '/path/to/table', cyclic = True, ordered = False ) label_batch = table_batch['label'] data_batch = table_batch['data'] If your table was a bit more complicated, with columns named ``label`` and ``value``. And the ``value`` column has a compound type with fields named ``image`` and ``lidar``, then you could use: .. code:: python table_batch = reader.get_batch( path = '/path/to/complex_table', cyclic = True, ordered = False ) label_batch = table_batch['label'] value_batch = table_batch['value'] image_batch = value_batch['image'] lidar_batch = value_batch['lidar'] Using a FIFO queue ================== Copying data to the GPU through a ``feed_dict`` is notoriously slow in Tensorflow. It is much faster to buffer data in a queue. You are free to manage your own queues, but a helper class is included to make this task easier. .. code:: python # As before array_batch_placeholder = reader.get_batch( path = '/h5/path', cyclic = True, ordered = False) array_batch_float = tf.to_float(array_batch_placeholder) # Now we create a FIFO Loader loader = reader.get_fifoloader( queue_size = 10, # The maximum number of elements that the # internal Tensorflow queue should hold. inputs = [array_batch_float], # A list of tensors that will be stored # in the queue. threads = 1 # The number of threads used to stuff the # queue. If ordered access to a dataset # was requested, then only 1 thread # should be used. ) # Batches can now be dequeued from the loader for use in your network. array_batch_cpu = loader.dequeue() result = my_network(array_batch_cpu) with tf.Session() as sess: # The loader needs to be started with your Tensorflow session. loader.start(sess) for i in range(N): # You can now cleanly evaluate your network without a feed_dict. # It also needs to be stopped for clean shutdown. loader.stop(sess) # Finally, the reader should be closed. reader.close() Non-cyclic access ----------------- If you are classifying a dataset, rather than training a model, then you probably only want to run through the dataset once. This can be done by passing ``cyclic = False`` to ``get_batch``. Once finished, the internal Tensorflow queue will throw an instance of the ``tensorflow.errors.OutOfRangeError`` exception to signal termination of the loop. This can be caught manually with a try-catch block: .. code:: python with tf.Session() as sess: loader.start(sess) try: # Keep iterating until the exception breaks the loop while True: # Now silently catch the exception. except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: pass loader.stop(sess) A slightly more elegant solution is to use a context manager supplied by the loader class: .. code:: python with tf.Session() as sess: loader.start(sess) # This context manager suppresses the exception. with loader.catch_termination(): # Keep iterating until the exception breaks the loop while True: loader.stop(sess) Start stop context manager -------------------------- In either cyclic or non-cyclic access, we can use a context manager to start and stop the loader class. .. code:: python with tf.Session() as sess: with loader.begin(sess): # Loop Quick access to a single dataset ================================ It is highly recommended that you use a single dataset, this allows you to use unordered access which is a fastest way of reading data. If you have multiple sources of data, such as labels and images, then you should organise them into a table. This also has performance benefits due to the locality of the data. When you only have one dataset, the function ``load_dataset`` is provided to set up the reader and loader for you. Any preprocessing that need to be done CPU side before loading into the queue can be written as a function that generates a Tensorflow graph. This input transformation function is fed into ``load_dataset`` as an argument. The input transform function should return a list of tensors that will be stored in the queue. The input transform is required when the dataset is a table, as the dictionary needs to be turned into a list. .. code:: python # This function preprocesses the batches before they # are loaded into the internal queue. # You can cast data, or do one-hot transforms. # If the dataset is a table, this function is required. def input_transform(tbl_batch): labels = tbl_batch['label'] data = tbl_batch['data'] truth = tf.to_float(tf.one_hot(labels, num_labels, 1, 0)) data_float = tf.to_float(data) return truth, data_float # Open the HDF5 file and create a loader for a dataset. # The batch_size defines the length (in the outer dimension) # of the elements (batches) returned by the reader. # Takes a function as input that pre-processes the data. loader = tftables.load_dataset(filename='path/to/h5_file.h5', dataset_path='/internal/h5/path', input_transform=input_transform, batch_size=20) # To get the data, we dequeue it from the loader. # Tensorflow tensors are returned in the same order as input_transformation truth_batch, data_batch = loader.dequeue() # The placeholder can then be used in your network result = my_network(truth_batch, data_batch) with tf.Session() as sess: # This context manager starts and stops the internal threads and # processes used to read the data from disk and store it in the queue. with loader.begin(sess): for _ in range(num_iterations): When using ``load_dataset`` the reader is automatically closed when the loader is stopped. Accessing multiple datasets =========================== If your HDF5 file has multiple datasets (multiple arrays, tables or both) then you should write a script to transform it into a file with only a single table. If this isn't possible, then you can access the datasets directly through ``tftables``, but must do so using ordered access (otherwise the datasets can get out of sync). .. code:: python # Use get_batch to access the table. # Both datasets must be accessed in ordered mode. table_batch_dict = reader.get_batch( path = '/internal/h5_path/to/table', ordered = True) col_A_pl, col_B_pl = table_batch_dict['col_A'], table_batch_dict['col_B'] # Now use get_batch again to access an array. # Both datasets must be accessed in ordered mode. labels_batch = reader.get_batch('/my_label_array', ordered = True) truth_batch = tf.one_hot(labels_batch, 2, 1, 0) # The loader takes a list of tensors to be stored in the queue. # When accessing in ordered mode, threads should be set to 1. loader = reader.get_fifoloader( queue_size = 10, inputs = [truth_batch, col_A_pl, col_B_pl], threads = 1) # Batches are taken out of the queue using a dequeue operation. # Tensors are returned in the order they were given when creating the loader. truth_cpu, col_A_cpu, col_B_cpu = loader.dequeue() # The dequeued data can then be used in your network. result = my_network(truth_cpu, col_A_cpu, col_B_cpu) with tf.Session() as sess: with loader.begin(sess): for _ in range(N): reader.close() Ordered access is enabled be default when using ``get_batch`` as a safety measure. It is disabled when using ``load_dataset`` as that function restricts access to a single dataset.